Being a Missionary

I think it is a good idea to be a missionary.  First, it is a good idea for families because kids can have fun.  You can reach other families by your children.  Families can also have more time together and have fun together serving God.  Second, you can help people get saved because the people Read More…

If I Lived in 1848

I lived in Virginia in 1846.   I was trying to make a homestead, but the soil was not too good.  I got an article in the newspaper that said this man found gold on his land.  So in 1847 I packed my bags and decided to go west. The Rocky Mountains were very hard Read More…

Great White in the Night Sky

I am the great white in the night sky. I only come out at night. I love seeing stars spray like jewels in the night sky. I see trees beating the wind and everything as a silhouette. I see twinkles of light come blazing through the night sky. I hear a hoot, howl, and bark Read More…